Jacob Michael Tarleton Music Scholarship

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Jacob Michael Tarleton Music Scholarship

Jake Tarleton was a 1996 graduate of Columbia City High School.




 Jacob Michael Tarleton Music Scholarship

Playing the guitar, rehearsing with friends, writing poetry, laughing, and sharing what he knew about the art of making music is what Jake loved most. He taught himself how to play guitar in his early teens and how to read music. He loved writing songs and recording and mixing his own tracks. He enjoyed learning from others and he never turned down the opportunity to teach someone how to play.

Jake was always striving to make himself a better musician, poet, writer, son, brother, friend and human being. He was as faithful to his friends and his family as he was to his art.


  • This scholarship is available to any Columbia City High School graduate who plans to pursue a degree in music at a university of their choice.
  • Must have a GPA of 3.0 or better (but considerations can be made).
  • Preference will be given to applicants who: can recite lines from the movie “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” or the “Pulp Fiction” Ezekiel 25:17 speech given by actor Samuel L. Jackson, can speak with a British accent, possess a talent for making up new lyrics to existing songs off the top of their head, are not afraid to wear their hair or clothes in unique ways, smile continuously and try to make those they are with smile along with them.

The person who will receive this scholarship may or may not be a master musician. They will however, possess the drive and ambition to never stop playing or learning. They will approach music with joy and excitement and have a passion for sharing it with others, whether in an auditorium or in someone’s garage.

The person who will receive this scholarship will hopefully understand or learn to understand the incredible value of family and friends. That greeting friends/family means hugging them “hello” and leaving them means hugging them “goodbye” and realize that only by having an open, loving heart can one create truly beautiful music and poetry.

The recipient of this scholarship will, above all else, love music with all their heart and soul. This is what Jake Tarleton would have wanted; to give someone a chance to share their passion with the world.

Application Deadline:

Application Due April 15